Hampton City Council Meeting - June 11, 2024


The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Jerry Huddleston, David Luhring, Anthony Verch, and Nick Russell. Also present was Brad Fisher with Bolton & Menk; Marlin Reinardy, Melissa Timm, Lori Nicolai, and Jeff Camden.

Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosure of Interest – None

Approval of May 14, 2024 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to approve the May 14, 2024 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Russell seconded by Luhring to approve the June disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Public Comments – Two individuals attended the meeting to comment on their position in regard to the data center that it is rumored will be located near the city’s industrial park area sometime in the future:

Lori Nicolai stated to Council that she does not want a data center located in Hampton, and she wants to be kept informed about future meetings on the issue.

Jeff Camden stated to Council that he has a relative who lives near a data center in Iowa. She told him that there was nothing but noise 24/7. Another concern mentioned was that data centers use a large amount of water, and whether or not Hampton could accommodate the water usage volume. A final concern is the amount of light that a data center emits. Camden mentioned that there is so much light that, basically, the night sky goes away.

Mayor Knetter thanked them for their comments. He also stated that he has heard that there was talk around town with inaccurate information regarding meetings that have occurred regarding this issue. He said this began when he was approached about the matter by a developer. This is something that has happened to him in the past, where an individual is interested in opening a business in the city, or is interested in doing a housing development and they approach him to discuss the possibility. For the first meeting on this subject, he did not even attend because the developer wanted him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which he did not do on advice of attorney. The meeting was attended by the City Engineer and then afterward, Knetter and the City Engineer asked to be on the agenda for the Hampton Township Board meeting to discuss the potential technology development. They attended the meeting, but were not well received by board members. Knetter stated that this issue is something that is in its initial stages as far as the city is concerned.

Mayor Knetter recognized a Dakota County Sheriff’s Deputy in attendance at the meeting and asked him if he had anything to report. The Deputy stated that speeding has been a problem and has caused several accidents. There was a recent incident where an individual drove at high speeds on Highway 52 from St. Paul to Rochester. The individual had mental health issues, and alcohol or drugs were also involved.

Petitions, Requests, and Communications:

Vermillion River Watershed Summer 2024 E-Newsletter (informational – no action required) – Mayor Knetter referred to the report that was included in meeting packets.

Ordinance review and clarification:

o Ordinance § 152.004(B) – Zoning/General Provisions/Definitions/Lot Lines

o Ordinance § 152.032 – Accessory Building and/or Structures

Mayor Knetter suggested that this be tabled indefinitely.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:

Engineer’s Report – Brad Fisher, of Bolton & Menk, first reported on the Water Street Lift Station Generator Project. Killmer Electric completed the final punch list item, so the project is officially complete. Bolton & Menk will be going through the project close-out paperwork with the contractor, with final payment possibly being made in July.

Fisher continued with updates on the 2024 pavement maintenance project. He stated that the project went well, however the actual material quantities used exceeded estimates, so the cost will be a little more than the bid price. However, the total project cost will still be under budget. The project close-out is anticipated to be a 2-month process, with an initial payoff next month, and then a final payment.

The next item on Fisher’s report is the LCRR – Lead Service Line Inventory. Lead service line inventories for all public water systems must be completed and submitted to the MN Department of Health by July 15, 2024. Water service lines have been inventoried, or determined not to be made of lead because of when the homes or commercial buildings were built, with the exception of approximately 55 homes. These unknown service lines will be attempted to be identified through mailings to property owners. The mailings are expected to be sent to property owners during the last 2 weeks of June for self-reporting of the information or to schedule home inspections.

The final item on Fisher’s report is the Water Tower Improvement Project. The property for the placement of the tower has officially been acquired by the City of Hampton and recorded with the County. Additionally, Fisher’s report included two different graphics for the water tower colors and he asked Council members to decide which graphic would be incorporated into the project design and bidding documents. Fisher mentioned that the second graphic included in agenda packets has a metallic paint and he wasn’t sure at that point if the metallic color would be available on a water tower. He is waiting to hear back about that. The preferred graphic by the majority of Council members was the one with the red top and the metallic paint color on the rest of the tower. Mayor Knetter again mentioned his concerns about lighter paint colors on the underside of the top of the water tower, which may change color, caused by condensation. Fisher stated that the next step in the process is to formally submit a conditional use permit (CUP) to the Planning Commission and then bring it to the July City Council meeting. Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve the submission of the CUP to the Planning Commission. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Water / Sewer Report – Mayor Knetter reported that he is working on acquiring a transfer switch that will be installed in preparation for the acquisition of a back-up generator for Well #2. Knetter reminded Council that the purchase of the switch will be paid for through grant funding. The switch will be installed per the parameters established by the grant document.

Knetter also mentioned that he is working on composite sampling and trying to figure out how to accomplish it without needing to purchase expensive equipment.

Marlin Reinardy reported on the sonar scan of the sewer ponds and what the scans revealed regarding the chemical treatments of the pond sludge. He stated that the sludge levels are lower than they were two years ago. He plans to discuss future treatments with the Account Manager for the company that the city purchases the chemicals from. Reinardy also has been looking into different products that may save the city some money.

Park Report – Councilor Russell stated that the trees that were approved for purchase at the last City Council meeting have been planted. He is expecting to get wood chips for use in the parks from the trees that were removed. There was a report from the Sheriff Department of graffiti on playground equipment. Lastly, Russell stated that there is a need for weed control at both the softball field and the parks.

Street Report – Councilor Luhring stated that he had nothing to report.

Ordinances and Resolutions:

Resolution 2024 - ___ (09) Approving State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Hampton on Behalf of Its Attorney - Motion by Huddleston seconded by Luhring to approve the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Hampton on behalf of its attorney All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Unfinished Business:

City computer support services – Mayor Knetter will work with Councilor Huddleston on this issue.

New Business:

Liquor License Renewal – Roundup and Meric’s - Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve the liquor license renewals All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Adjournment - Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy O’Brien